Session 5 - 5th Dec 2007
Today our learning environment was very varied and enjoyable. We started the morning with group presentations of what we discussed about School A, B & C yesterday. There was a debate about school A being too result oriented and whether this is good for the students in the long run. I pointed out that the school needed to start somewhere and getting the students to obtain good results would be a good one. The schhol can have further improvements as they go along.
After that we did data entry again. We learnt how to analyse and find the mean and significant mean.
After lunch, we were brought to a the library to look where to find research work done by master and Phd graduates
Finally we came back to the class to learn how to write a reseach report.
Each group had to complete one research report.
After that we did data entry again. We learnt how to analyse and find the mean and significant mean.
After lunch, we were brought to a the library to look where to find research work done by master and Phd graduates
Finally we came back to the class to learn how to write a reseach report.
Each group had to complete one research report.